Thursday, January 19, 2012

What Start-Ups Can Learn From a Crime Boss

What Start-Ups Can Learn From a Crime Boss

‘Closed mouths don’t get fed,’ he would say. ‘If you want something, you have to either ask for it or walk up and take it.’ We can’t expect good fortune to fall into our lap. It’s our responsibility to create the circumstances for it and then capture that good fortune.

'Closed mouths don't get fed'...

These are words to live by... but I don't think blasting your Facebook wall or Twitter feed with your opportunity links is the way to go. 

Do you?

Notice the blog tag line... "Removing the Weirdness Factor from MLM"... 

My friend, that's exactly the type of shit I'm referring to.

I seriously doubt that their company's corporate training includes a module on spamming family and friends on the different social networks. :-)

Why do so many people do this? 

Hmmm... Maybe it works!

I know that it bugs the hell out of me.

'if you want something, you have to either ask for it or walk up and take it.'

Do you think that people wake up and say, "I hope someone comes up to me today and pitches me a business opportunity that may further complicate my life?" ...I seriously doubt it :-)

Don't you hate getting pitched on the "latest and greatest" when it's obvious that the person pitching doesn't give a crap about what you are doing or even cares if you're looking for anything.

Remember, everyone's a prospect... Right? :-) I don't think so

If people just took the time to ask the right kind of questions (before going into pitch mode) maybe people's perception of this industry would change.

Looks like we have a lot of work to do. 

Are you game?

Removing the Weirdness Factor from MLM,


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