Monday, January 23, 2012

Article: Time Management – No, But Really This Time

Time Management – No, But Really This Time

Consistent Effective Patterns = Long Term Success

Sounds simple right? So many people don’t understand this principle though. This year I’ve started a new series of daily habits. I wake up at the same time everyday, I exercise for 30 minutes, I eat breakfast (you’ve gotta try it), I drive to the office, and then I spend two entire hours doing only the things that are directly correlated with earning myself money. For me this is focusing on lead generation, contact vetting, and reaching out to event planners to book gigs and then following up. Here’s what it’s not — Tweeting, reading blogs, Facebooking, redesigning my website, writing an eBook, participating on forums, HR issues, attending meetings, checking email (unrelated to buyers), etc.

You found that great company with a service that you are excited about. 

You run through your warm market and sign up a few customers (just like your sponsor taught). 

Congratulations... You're on your way!

Here is where it gets a little tricky. 

You are almost through your warm list and now you need to meet some new people. 

Here is where ..."Consistent Effective Patterns = Long Term Success"... comes to play.

You MUST make a consistent effort to meeting new people and then place them in Your marketing funnel. 

This is a common practice that comes natural to many of the top MLM professionals.

They can casually walk up smoothly start a conversation with a perfect stranger and viola'... they have a new prospect.

Now seems like a very daunting task for an introvert like me... but I'm still a work in progress...(aren't er all) ;-)

That's one of the reasons why I've decided to utilize this blog as the primary platform for my business(s).

Here I plan to focus on keeping the main thing the main thing. (provide pure value)

One can easily get sidetracked with setting up and tweaking different blogs or focusing on other distractions that have nothing to do with one's business. 

The bottom line with MLM is that we are paid to gather both customers and customer gathers. If what your doing doesn't lead to that, it's clearly a waste of time.

So let's stop screwing around and get to work!


P.S. I invite you to join our priceless weekly training webimars hosted by 6 & 7-Figure earners since 2008 that guarantee to teach you the most up-to-date, what's working now, explosive business building & lead generation training you can start implementing today... ==> Click Here To Register For Free Training Weekly Webinars. <==

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